5665 merle hay road
johnston, iowa 50131

All are
When the people of Saint James say “all are welcome,” we mean…
If you are seeking the grace, love and mercy of God,
You are welcome at Saint James Lutheran Church!
No matter your age, income, race, gender or ethnicity.
No matter your abilities, addictions, physical or mental health.
No matter your sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.
No matter your marital or legal or financial status.
We welcome you no matter where you may be on your faith journey.
We welcome and include all because Jesus Christ welcomes and includes all.
Our unity is in the love of God made known in Jesus Christ.
You are welcome here!
Striving for Justice at Saint James…
What does the Lord require of you…
… do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God. –– Micah 6:8
Justice is people living in right relationship with God, one another, and creation.
Justice is loving our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Justice is the character and nature of God.
In our baptism, we promise to “strive for justice and peace in all the earth,” ELW 236.
This difficult and never-ending work, calls on us to:
Live… in right relationship with God, our neighbors and creation.
Listen… with compassion to the voices of the marginalized and hurting.
Seek… justice, peace, and wholeness for everyone everywhere.
All are welcome at Saint James and invited to take up this important work.